Lead by Leaving: 5 Habits to Ditch for a More Positive Parenting Impact

Bodhi Way
2 min readJun 12, 2024


Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

Kids are like sponges, absorbing everything around them, especially the behaviors of their role models — you guessed it, their parents! While we all strive to be perfect parents (spoiler alert: there’s no such thing), there are some habits we can ditch to set a more positive example for our little ones. Here are 5 habits to consider quitting for a happier, healthier family dynamic:

  1. The Gossip Gremlin: Let’s face it, a little venting never hurt anyone, right? Well, not exactly. Constant negativity and gossiping about others can paint a picture for your kids that bad-mouthing others is okay. Instead, focus on open communication and problem-solving, teaching them to deal with conflict constructively.
  2. The Screen Sucker: We all know the struggle. But constantly being glued to your phone sends a clear message: that the digital world is more important than what’s happening right in front of you. Put the phone down during meals, playtime, and family outings. Engage with your kids, show them the value of face-to-face connection, and model healthy tech habits.
  3. The Stress Spewer: Life throws curveballs, and sometimes we can’t help but vent to our kids. However, constantly complaining about work, finances, or relationships can create a sense of anxiety and insecurity in your children. Practice mindfulness techniques to manage stress, and focus on solutions instead of dwelling on problems.
  4. The Inflexible Foodie: “Ugh, broccoli again?” Sound familiar? While it’s okay to have preferences, being a picky eater sets a bad example for your kids. Explore new recipes together, involve them in meal planning, and celebrate trying new healthy foods, even if they don’t become instant favorites.
  5. The Unrealistic Reveller: Society bombards us with images of “perfect” lives. Don’t let the pressure to keep up seep into your parenting style. Instead, embrace imperfection! Show your kids that it’s okay to make mistakes, apologize, and learn from them. This fosters resilience and a healthy self-image in your children.

Quitting these habits isn’t about becoming a saint; it’s about being a conscious role model. By making small adjustments, you can create a more positive and supportive environment for your children, one that empowers them to grow into well-rounded, happy individuals.

Remember, the most impactful lessons are often learned not through words, but through the everyday choices we make. So, ditch the habits that hold you back, and create a legacy of love, positivity, and healthy living for your precious little ones.



Bodhi Way

A journey towards inner peace and self-discovery, inspired by the Buddhist concept of Bodhi (enlightenment).